Get Attached®

A NEW & flexible purchase / exchange scheme.

Guaranteed minimum trade-in value after 3, 4 or 5 years (we may offer you more!) against a new attachment of the same value or higher. Simple service plan – we only need to service your attachment once each year.Applies to all attachments supplied by us with a minimum value of £7500.

Grab n Drive Excavator Attachment

How It Works

Illustration 1:

Power-Wrist PW14-H purchased for £9765, Guaranteed trade in value:

After 3 years 50% £4883

After 4 years 35% £3418

After 5 years 20% £1953


Illustration 2:
Above traded in against £12,000 mulcher after four years: Balance to pay: £8582 Guaranteed mulcher trade in value:

After 3 years 50% £6000

After 4 years 35% £4200

After 5 years 20% £2400

Service Plan details All attachments purchased under the scheme are are required to be serviced anually by Exac-One to guarantee their future value. Labour charged at standard workshop rate less 10%. Parts supplied at 10% discount. Transport charged at cost. All attachments will be serviced in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations.